Sunday, February 26, 2006

Im OK .. 真的

昨天, 咏梅 SMS 安慰我, 叫我不要为了签唱会没有这么多人来,而难过。当初美女杨丞琳的首次签唱会也只是三个人。当然昨天前来的人比 Rainie 的还多, 但是重点是,我有机会亲自感谢这些支持我的人。我更能够近距离从反映中,得到很多关怀和支持。

曾经有人说,宁可有一些懂得欣赏你的作品的人,好过一些盲目跟随的歌迷。我从每一个人的交谈,聊到他们为什么选择我的 CD的原因。基本上,唱片公司人员和我本人,已经很积极的去推销介绍这张唱片。 如果人们心里有一把隐形的尺去衡量了我,我大概会花比较费多一点时间去证明,但是既然是选择了要去做音乐,我当然会继续努力 ,慢慢说服别人去接受我的作品。当年的张敬轩也是这样的感动我去听他的歌。我想就像唱片公司的伙伴讲的一样,我的唱片走的是细水长流的,希望这张唱片能继 续的在你的CD播放机里,可以听很久。

很失望,因为到现在为止 I 周刊U 一周都 没有联络我做访问,即使是我主动找他们,他们的兴趣也不大,甚至没回电,回简讯。而这几个星期看到的周刊新闻都是 KELLY, KELVIN, JJ ... 他们都已经很红很红了,为什么都没有留一点版位,给我一点点机会,让我跟周刊的读者介绍我的歌。是因为我没有下广告,还是我根本没有新鲜感。

很开心前天的 Straits Times 评了我的专辑。我最难忘的是这一段..
As a newbie, Kevin's self composed songs which range from ballads to rock-lite are fairly respectable and deserve more attention

Jia You K!
I know it's easier to say than done but really hope you won't be dishearted. Guess like you have to gain popularity first before people pays attention to your songs...
cont to hold on to wat u belive n in due season u shall reap.never give up okie thr r still many ppl ard supporting u.jia you!:)
Remember there are ppl like us supporting U and yr music. Never let such little setback affects U ok. U've presented your best gift aka album to all and we knw U did well in it. So, same words for U; Keep going, feel happy at all times :)
I already know its not a smooth journey.
At least i sang my own songs and not translated ones..

如果新加坡人 dun like the songs written by our own local writers, i also dunno.
Maybe i change my 作曲填词 name to some other Nationalities... then maybe people will raise an eyebrow. haha
hey,. cheer up!! Maybe there're pple who bought ur album but didn't turn up for ur autograph? Ur album is nice.. love singing ur 'Ban yang' at k-box!

fr someone who bought ur album
aiya.. did i sound sad..
no la..
not sad :)
heys... dun be disappointed. your songs are really nice. esp bang yang. i've listened to it countless of times already. jia you!
Sorry dejiang i couldnt turn up though i was the one who suggested u have autograph session that day ..
was stuck in work and traffic after work .one of my friend working in the government supports u but that day is the late mr rajah 's funeral day so he's stuck in being the road marshal ..
dont worry too much though .. life still goes on jiayou !
No worries guys...

15th March i have a small concert in NUS Munchie Monkey open to public.
Come if free la..
I think u shouldn't have rushed your album out so could've taken some time off to slowly compose and think of more ideas & ways to promote local music/compositions to more people rather than release an album when nobody knows much abt u... just my 2 cents.
Hi Anonymous...

1.It took me 8 months to write the songs.
2. Other countries are playing my song because its by a Singaporean. Only people here need to also accept it.
3. I've been a DJ for 12 years.

But thanx for your 2 cents though cause it might just represent the general feeling of the public.
I'll continue to work on these areas....
weiweiwei!!! dont sound soooooooo sad can.. read liao also sad.. haiyooo.. dont like tat lar.. u're nt that bad ok.. cheers.. its just tiMe... ppl will slowly notice ur good de lors.. =)))
like hw i appreciate ur effort in those bian qu and everything.. nicely done up wat.. =))
Thanx teddi

You know la. Its difficult.
We always like to look and criticize at flaws rather than complimenting. When u r RED, everybody fighting time to interview you. When you are not, no one cares.

Im not sad at all. Really not.
I have already accepted the fact.
But last time till now and even in future, i will still help new comers. Cause EVERYBODY deserves a chance.
just some sentiments...







Your courage & optimism will see you thru’.

Keep going!

Very meaningful!
Thanx so much ...
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