Saturday, August 05, 2006


Sandy’s Album gonna be out.
Its called 呼吸 林亿莲 and not 相信 林亿莲。Im Glad.
Now it sounds like Tanya. Hehe… However 相信 is still a track inside.

You can sample the first few songs --〉 HERE
Sample 相信

I was quite shocked that 一个人 was the cover of New Order's Bizarre Love Triangle.
Before that, there was already a Mandarin Version by 李惠敏 called 一爱再爱(粤:浪漫布局)
Even the other song, 南方的风 had an earlier version by (Cookies/PingPung) Kary 吳雨霏's earlier song 南方的风.

Anyway, since the cat is out of the bag, and you already know how the hook of the tune sounds like, maybe you would be interested in the DEMO version.

PS: 今年发专辑时,上的一个 RSI 的节目 ----> HERE

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