Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Do You Have A Heart, to Feel ??

Was out with my friend Renee last week. Our trip to CD stores was rather fruitful. Each time we are there, we exchange our music preferences, although most of the time, i am the one introducing. After talking to her about the soul searching music of Secret Garden and passing her some of SG's CDs, i was thinking what is really nice to listen, especially when you are down and out. Here is one of them...

December by George Winston (Piano Solos)
Click on the picture to sample "ThanksGiving" from the Album.
Please buy the CD if you would really like to own this piece.

I bought this CD when i was working in Taiwan 10 years ago. I've always used it when i have to announce something sad over the radio. If you listen to it, you'll get what i mean. Today, im a little blue. How about you? Could you feel the music in your heart?

OK, I was browsing your blog from post number one, and along the way, I picked up lots of similarities in our music thoughts, but refrained from commenting on your ancient articles.

However, when I reached this post, I told myself: that's it!

On 13/5/05 post, you commented on F.I.R.'s latest album, and I agree that artistes nowadays try to use back the winning formula of the debut album, which results in a lack of originality in their subsequent albums.

On 15/5/05 post, you found an old Sandy Lam album which you loved. For me, I liked her album 爱上一个不回家的人 'Love For A Man Who Never Comes Home'. Indeed, her singing is more real, warm and 'close' than the recent 'commercialised' mixes. After owning the cassette version for a decade, I managed to find the CD version.

Then this post. "December" by George Winston. The uncanny coincidence is that I also got that album when I was in Taiwan in 95/96. This album was the inspiration to kickstart my solo piano compositional style. My favourite was the first track, the melody is so simple and yet catchy. Unforuntately, I lost the CD (probably lent to someone and forgot to take it back) Incidentally, I am also a Secret Garden lover, but gave up on the third album (they sound the same).

I'm going to continue browsing your blog and see if I discover any common interests. Cheers!
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